If your boat is powered by an outboard motor, you want to keep on top of its maintenance needs, because when you’re out on the water, you can’t just get out and walk home when it breaks down. A quality outboard repair manual will not only help you maintain your motor, it will teach you how this very important machine works. If you’ve overhauled your own outboard motor, you will be more likely to deal with a malfunction if it arises.
Proper maintenance is essential for marine applications, especially on vessels powered by a single engine, a vast number of which are outboards. Your safety depends on your engine. Doing your own service work can give you confidence in your equipment – you will know when and how all of the work on it has been performed.
If you want to do your own service and repair, you will need a quality manual, as well as some garage space and relatively common mechanic’s tools. All operations, from simple maintenance tasks, like changing the oil, or lubricating the bottom end of a motor to a complete engine rebuild will be described. If you choose to do all of your own service, you will save considerable money. Your maintenance will be done to your specifications, and at your own convenience – you won’t have to make an appointment to take your motor to a shop, and have your work done on their schedule, not yours.
Because boating is seasonal, shops that perform service on marine engines find themselves very busy at the beginning and end of summer, which means that it can take weeks, or more, for the mechanic to get to your repair. You can avoid that headache by doing your own work
It’s empowering to be able to do your own repairs, and very satisfying. An outboard repair manual, whether a paper copy or a digital download, will provide all of the information and technical specifications required for any task. It will prove to be the most important tool you have.
Click on the PayPal payment button and download the digital repair manual instantly. No special software is needed to download the manual and you can store it on your computer, tablet or smartphone forever.
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