It takes about 2 minutes to download a manual. Use PayPal to make your payment. If you do not have a PayPal account you can make a payment through PayPal using your credit card. You do not need to register a PayPal account to download a manual—PayPal account is not required. 


After you make a payment, PayPal will redirect you back to . Click on where it says ‘Place Order’. Then click on where it says ‘CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MANUAL’. 


Once you click on the download button, the manual will start downloading to your device i.e. computer, tablet or smartphone. When the download is complete, make sure you save the manual to your device’s download folder or desktop.


An invoice will also be sent to the email address you used during the PayPal checkout process. This invoice will also contain a download link to the manual. However, sometimes this invoice is misdirected to your spam/junk mail folder. So be sure to check it. 

If you need help, contact us. 


Thank you.