To ensure you get the correct repair manual for your Yamaha outboard engine, it is important to select the correct horsepower model. We have made it easy for you by organizing all of our manuals by horsepower model. Simply click on the tile that corresponds to your engine's horsepower and you will be directed to the repair manual for your specific model. This will help you make the necessary repairs with confidence and get your boat back on the water as soon as possible.

For reference, some of these repair manuals cover multiple years and models, as the underlying mechanics of outboards often remain the same, even if their exterior design changes. In instances where there are significant mechanical updates, a new repair manual is created. However, when there are only minor modifications, the original manual is often supplemented with new service information to ensure that it is up-to-date.
Repair manuals for outboard engines are sometimes relevant to multiple years and models due to the fact that the underlying mechanics of these engines tend to remain unchanged. For instance, a 4 horsepower repair manual created in 1999 may still be applicable for a 2008 4 horsepower engine if no significant mechanical updates were made during that time period. This means that, in some cases, a supplementary manual may not be necessary, as the original manual would suffice for repairs.